Sika Open Cell Foam Backer Rod
Open Cell Backing Rod
Sika Foam Backer Rod Open Cell is manufactured from extruded, open cell polyurethane foam, available in rods with different diameters and lengths.
- Improved cure rate of sealant due to open cell structure
- Easy to apply
- Open cell
Sika Open Cell Foam Backer Rod TDS
Sika Foam Backer Rod Open Cell is used as a back up material for cold applied Sika sealants to give the sealant the correct thickness. It also acts as a bondbreaker, permitting the most efficient joint design.
- Improved cure rate of sealant due to open cell structure
- Easy to apply
- Open cell
- No bond to most sealants
- Compatible with cold applied sealants (polyurethane, silicones)
- Different rod diameters
- Highly flexible and compressible
- Odourless